Saturday 23 August 2014


Stopping to take photos of the sunset. Twas' a lovely evening!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

I'm One Of Those Girls.

We took the boys camping in June and little Leanne rode up with us too. It was a hilarious, eye opening, heart exploding time that I hope to remember forever. These are some photos from our pit stop in Merritt.

Everyone getting ready to run up the hill.

Except for me. Excuse me while I take some photos of the grass.

Oh and this guy too. He's just the best I tell you!

They are much faster than Uncle Brian.

Here comes Bad Brian.
Can't say no to a smile like that!
Tough, fast, lady!

These two!

Just hanging out.

They caught on to my picture taking.

We are buds.

Like best buds!

And we're cute too!

Okay, really cute!

B giving the kids a safety talk about running down the hill.

Little Leanne is tough and stubborn and ran full throttle down down down.

All we could do was watch...

Then we inspect the owie.

Group hugs make everything better!

So does being carried by Bad Brian. Guess I should scrape my knees more.
Merritt, thanks for the laughs, bloodshed and fun times. You sure look pretty from up here!